West Virginia Honey
Our honey is 100% pure West Virginia Wildflower honey from our own bees. The flavor of our honey is amazing! Everyone who has tried it says so. It is seasonal and sells out very fast. Let us know if you would like some! Price is $10 per pound.
Honey Bees
The stars of the honey production here at the farm. Not only do they produce delicious honey for everyone to enjoy, but they also help pollinate the garden, fruit trees and all the native plant life here on the property!
Honey Extraction
We harvest the honey by collecting the honeycomb frames and scraping off the wax cap that bees make to seal off honey in each cell. Once the caps are removed, the frames are placed in […]
West Virginia wildflower honey, good tasting and good for you!
In addition to its delicious taste, raw honey has been credited with many health benefits. In its raw form, this antioxidant-packed super food promotes wound healing, immunity boosts, allergy relief, and more!